姓 名:黄葆文
黄葆文,副教授,硕士生导师。2017年毕业于法国图卢兹第三大学获得植物分子发育博士学位,2017-2021年分别在法国国家农业食品与环境研究院(INRAe)和法国国家科研中心(CNRS)进行博士后研究。主要从事果实发育和品质形成调控研究,同时致力于预防果蔬采后品质劣变的保鲜技术研发。近年来,研究成果在《Nature Communications》、《Nature Plants》、《Journal of Experimental Botany》、《New Phytologists》、《Plant Biotechnology Journal》等重要学术期刊发表了多篇高质量研究论文。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目等国家级项目,并主研欧盟“地平线2020”计划、法国国家科研署基金等欧盟重点科研项目,同时获国家发明专利授权2项。
1. Huang Baowen, Hu Guojian, Wang Keke, Frasse Pierre, Maza Elie, Djari Anis, Deng Wei, Pirrello Julien, Burlat Vincent, Pons Clara, Granell Antonio, Li Zhengguo *, Van der Rest Benoît * and Bouzayen Mondher *. Interaction of two MADS-box genes leads to growth phenotype divergence of all-flesh type of tomatoes. Nature Communications. 2021,12,6892.
2. Hu Guojian, Wang Keke, Huang Baowen, Mila Isabelle, Frasse Pierre, Maza Elie, Djari Anis, Hernould Michel, Zouine Mohanmed, Li Zhengguo, Bouzayen Mondher. The auxin-responsive transcription factor SlDOF9 regulates inflorescence and flower development in tomato. Nature Plants. 2022, 8(4):419-433.
3. Huang Baowen, Routaboul Jean-Marc, Liu Mingchun, Zouine Mohamed, Frasse Pierre, Giovannoni Jim, Li Zhengguo *, Van der Rest Benoît *, Bouzayen Mondher. Overexpression of class D MADS-box SlAGL11 impacts fleshy tissue differentiation and structure in tomato fruit.Journal of Experimental Botany. 2017,68, 4869–4884.
4. Hu Guojian, Huang Baowen, Wang Keke, Frasse Pierre, Maza Elie, Djari Anis, Benhamed Moussa, Gallusci Philippe, Li Zhengguo, Zouine Mohamed and Bouzayen Mondher *. Histone posttranslational modifications rather than DNA methylation underlie gene reprogramming in pollination dependent and pollination-independent fruit set in tomato. New Phytologist. 2021,229: 902-919.
5. Zheng Xianzhe, Yuan Yinjin, Huang Baowen, Hu Xiaowei, Tang Yuwei, Xu Xin, Wu Mengbo, Gong Zehao, Luo Yingqing, Gong Min, Gao Xueli, Wu Guangle, Zhang Qiongdan, Li Zhengguo, Deng Wei*. Control of fruit softening and ascorbic acid accumulation by manipulation of SlIMP3 in tomato. Plant Biotechnology Journal.2022,20: 1213-1225.
欧盟农业促进合作发展国际大会(XIX EUCARPIA Meeting-2018)最佳青年科学家报告奖。